Robert J. Rohl Trial Lawyer

The Trial Lawyer
For Life’s Toughest Trials


Your Car Accident Attorney in Rapid City Holding Reckless Drivers Accountable

When someone’s recklessness or negligence results in a motor vehicle accident, it can take a skilled car accident attorney to hold them accountable. Without the guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, you may miss out on the full compensation you deserve. If this has happened to you, you can get the representation you need with Robert J. Rohl, Trial Lawyer.

Car accident lawyer Robert Rohl will maximize your recovery in your personal injury claim. He is a South Dakota car accident attorney who is committed to providing his clients with the premier representation they should get from an attorney.

My Car Accident Litigation Experience Is Your Benefit

Car accident lawyer Robert Rohl vigilantly remains a student of the civil justice and jury system and continuously strives to become a better advocate for his clients. He regularly attends legal seminars and continuing legal education trainings across the country. In this space, he has worked with some of the most renowned personal injury attorneys in the country. Auto accident lawyer Robert Rohl loves what he does and he is constantly refining his courtroom skills in an effort to become a better advocate.

During the process of handling your case, Rapid City car accident attorney Robert Rohl will work directly with you to fairly and properly determine your case’s value. This is an incredibly personal and important part of the attorney-client relationship. Only once your loss is fully appreciated can your attorney properly represent you and fight for your justice.

Only after completely understanding your loss, South Dakota auto accident attorney Robert Rohl is able to calculate what financial compensation is fair. You deserve a personal injury attorney who you can trust to fight for your most favorable outcome, and he wants to be that lawyer for you.

Do Not Leave Money On The Table In Your Car Accident Claim

If you want to be sure you are getting the results you are entitled to, contact our car accident lawyer in Rapid City today. Call him at 605-519-7750 or email him here to schedule your free initial consultation and take the first step toward making yourself whole after your motor vehicle accident.

Car Accident Attorney Frequently Asked Questions:


What should I do after a car accident?

Call law enforcement and get medical attention!  The only thing that matters after a car accident is the health of everyone involved.  If you are able, take pictures or insist on-scene law enforcement take pictures.  Call your insurance company and initiate a claim or seek a car accident lawyer’s guidance in this process. 

What if the other driver is uninsured or underinsured?

Insurance coverage identification and understanding is something your car accident attorney should be intimately acquainted with.  The reality of the world is that we cannot dictate what types of insurance coverage other motorists have, but we can dictate our own coverage.  For this reason, I believe that every single driver should have at least $300,000 of available coverage for underinsured and uninsured motorists.  Some of the best cases I have ever prosecuted have been against my own client’s insurance company.  You pay your insurance company annual premiums to protect you in the event you are injured by an underinsured or uninsured motorist.  Do not hesitate to hire an auto accident lawyer and demand your insurance company live up to their end of the contract in the event you are injured by an uninsured or underinsured driver.   

What types of damages can I recover in a car accident case?

In South Dakota, you are entitled to recover damages for all past and future medical expense, all economic loss (this includes lost wages/diminished earning capacity), past and future pain and suffering, permanent injury or disability, and loss of the enjoyment of life.  The damages are broken up into what is commonly referred to as “special damages” and “non-economic loss”.  Special damages are those which a dollar value can easily be placed on, i.e. cost of a surgery or a year’s worth of lost wages.  Non-economic damages constitutes attributing a dollar value to the ways that the injury has changed your life, i.e. inability to coach my son’s baseball team.  Contrary to popular belief, personal injury cases are not about economic loss, it is oftentimes a component of the case, but the real value of a personal injury case is the way it changes our human experience.  Injuries that have a lifelong impact inherently change how we live our lives and the way we experience happiness with those we love.  In any catastrophic injury case I have ever handled, my client would immediately substitute any amount of money to get their health back.  Our civil justice system is unable to restore health, but you are entitled to adequate compensation for the life changing injuries you have incurred because of another’s wrongful conduct.

How long will it take to resolve my car accident case?

This is a case by case analysis.  In a perfect world, our cases would be resolved promptly and fairly without the need for a auto accident lawyer in Rapid City, South Daktoa.  Trial lawyers exist because this is not the world we live in.  Insurance companies make money by devaluing your case.  When they pay less, they make more.  Every car accident lawyer would love to have your case settled fairly weeks within which you are injured, but again, this is not reality.  It usually takes about one year before there is true appreciation and understanding of your injuries.  Somewhere in this time frame you will begin to approach what is commonly referred to as maximum medical improvement.  Only at this point, can lifelong limitations and permanent issues be safely understood and included as part of your claim.    

How much does it cost to hire a car accident attorney?

These cases are handled on a contingent fee basis.  There is no fee if our car accident attorney is not able to recover on your behalf.  Every case we take is an investment, we do not get paid if we do not win.  If we take your case, we expect to win.