Robert J. Rohl Trial Lawyer

The Trial Lawyer
For Life’s Toughest Trials


Trucking Accident Attorney in Rapid City

Trucking collisions can and often do lead to some of the most devastating injuries and death. Having an experienced trucking accident lawyer in South Dakota that understands the consequences of a trucking case is essential. Attorney Robert Rohl regularly works with liability experts, medical experts, and life care planners to prove the loss incurred. This litigation is unique and knowing the exact discovery requests and information to obtain during trucking accident litigation is critical to ensuring the right result and true story is presented.

Robert J. Rohl, Trial Lawyer, can help you tell the true story. His unwavering dedication to your case and deep compassion for his clients and their families has led to successful and meaningful recoveries for his clients and their families. Our trucking accident attorney in Rapid City, South Dakota will advocate for your loss in both negotiations and litigation, which is essential to pursue and obtain the most favorable outcome.

Understanding Trucking Accidents in South Dakota

Trucking accident litigation is unique, and attorney Robert Rohl has experience handling these cases from intake all the way to trial. There is so much information which can be acquired to help explain the negligence of the trucking company. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) has published regulations in the Federal Register and compiled in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. Many times these regulatory schemes are ignored, cheated, or outright disregarded. This is often the basis of explaining the at-fault’s company negligence.

Trucking accident lawyer Robert Rohl has represented semi truck crash victims injured by fatigued drivers, negligently trained drivers, improperly maintained equipment, and driver failing to adhere to the rules of the road.

South Dakota personal injury attorney Robert Rohl takes the time to review every detail in his clients’ cases to gain a complete understanding of both his clients injuries and their cause.

Let Robert Rohl, Trial Lawyer, Handle Your Trucking Accident Injury Claim

Truck accidents often mean dealing with large insurance companies and aggressive legal defense teams making you feel insignificant. Let Rapid City trucking accident lawyer Robert Rohl fight for you while you focus on your health. Call his Rapid City office at 605-519-7750 or email him here to schedule your initial consultation today and take the first step toward becoming whole after your trucking accident.

Trucking Accident Attorney Frequently Asked Questions:

How is a trucking accident case different from a regular car accident case?

Semi-trailer truck is the combination of a tractor unit and one or more semi-trailers to carry freight.  A semi-truck has two parts: a trailer, which carries cargo, and a tractor, which contains the engine.  The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) is the lead federal agency responsible for regulating and providing safety oversight of commercial motor vehicles (CMV).  Regulations issued by the FMCSA are published in the Federal Register and compiled in the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).  To drive a CMV in interstate commerce, drivers must comply with the general qualifications outlined in 49 CFR 391.11.  CMV owner-operators must comply with both rules that apply to motor carriers and rules that apply to drivers.  For all purposes, commercial truck drivers are professionals and must adhere to all safety protocol and requirements as mandated by the FMCSA.  

What are the common causes of trucking accidents?

Classes of common violations are also published and available on the FMCSA website.  Parts & Accessories violations, Vehicle Maintenance Violations, Driver Qualification Violations, Driver Training Violations, Driving Violations, Hours of Service Violations, Controlled Substances & Alcohol Violations, and Hazardous Materials Violations can all independently or jointly cause trucking accidents.

Who can be held liable for a trucking accident?

Tucking lawyers have effectively held drivers, trucking companies, insurance companies, and in some situations the shippers and receivers responsible in trucking accidents. 

What types of damages can I recover in a trucking accident case?

In South Dakota, you are entitled to recover damages for all past and future medical expense, all economic loss (this includes lost wages/diminished earning capacity), past and future pain and suffering, permanent injury or disability, and loss of the enjoyment of life.  The damages are broken up into what is commonly referred to as “special damages” and “non-economic loss”.  Special damages are those which a dollar value can easily be placed on, i.e. cost of a surgery or a year’s worth of lost wages.  Non-economic damages constitutes attributing a dollar value to the ways that the injury has changed your life, i.e. inability to coach my son’s baseball team.  Contrary to popular belief, personal injury cases are not about economic loss, it is oftentimes a component of the case, but the real value of a personal injury case is the way it changes our human experience.  Injuries that have a lifelong impact inherently change how we live our lives and the way we experience happiness with those we love.  In any catastrophic injury case I have ever handled, my client would immediately substitute any amount of money to get their health back.  Our civil justice system is unable to restore health, but you are entitled to adequate compensation for the life changing injuries you have incurred because of another’s wrongful conduct.  There are also circumstances when punitive damages can be available in the event of FMCSA violations.  

Can an Auto Accident Attorney Handle My Case?

Although many people mistakenly – but understandably – contact auto accident attorneys after a trucking accident, you should contact a trucking trial lawyer with experience and success handling trucking cases.  Trucking accidents commonly lead to devastating injuries because commercial trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded.  Trucking cases often have more liable parties than a typical auto accident case.  The driver, corporation, truck manufacturer, cargo loaders and their individual insurance companies are just a few of the possible parties who need to be thoroughly researched and potentially held accountable.